The house

The story of our hospitality started in 2012, when, for the first time, we decided to open our home to the rest of the world.
Supported only by our experience as travellers and as guests of the most varied and memorable hosts, we wanted to leave our own mark. As hosts we wanted to become part of the travel experience, make it more real, more alive, and more human to stay in our wonderful city, which is unlike any other city but sometimes difficult to understand.
The experience of hosting has proved to be surprising. We have given a lot and received even more; we have formed lasting friendships; the world entered our house with its character, its peculiarities, its fantastic diversity and we believe that just a little of ourselves and our home remained in the memory of those who came and left.

The house we choosed to live in is located in an area farther from the regular tourist routes, overlooking this Canal Terese that captured our imagination and which we stole the name from, hoping that it will capture your imagination as well.

We designed our house in order to create a comfortable space for us and our guests, respecting each other privacy.
You will be totally free and independent but at the same time, if you’d like it, we will always be happy to share our knowledge of the city with you and a lot of suggestions to live as real citizens even for a short stay.